If you had decided to learn on how to play guitar here are some basic guidelines for easy learning. You should choose first what kind of guitar to use. Assess what kind of music you wanted to play and the level of learning you wanted to accomplish. You must learn the difference between using an acoustic guitar and an electric guitar. Electric guitars are far more expensive compared to acoustic guitars and also need amplifiers in order to hear it play. On the other hand, acoustic guitars are cheaper and can be heard even without the use of amplifier. You can search plenty of relevant information online and other materials to help you learn such as guitar chords chart which is offered for free in the internet. The next step is learning how to read the chords and play it. You can always hire a professional teacher but if you want to learn on your own, free guitar lessons will suit you right.
The basic chord being taught in many how to play guitar lessons is the G chord. First you must number your fingers on the hand that will press the strings to create the right sound. You must start from your index finger which is the number one, up to your little finger which is the number four. In G chord, put your index finger at the fifth string's second fret, the finger number two at the sixth string's third fret and the finger number three at the first string's third fret. The first string has the highest pitch of all. After placing the right fingers at the right strings and frets you can start strumming it. The quality of the sound produce may vary because of how you press your fingers on the strings. You can learn it and differentiate the good sound to the dead one with regular practice.
Then you can proceed with other chords and play other complicated tunes. You can choose a specific song for you to practice completing. Free guitar lessons will suggest different songs that are commonly use by beginner guitarists. There are over a hundred different chords to learn and plenty of songs to use. The most common other than G are the C, D, and the E minor. At the very beginning, you must also learn how to tune your guitar strings so that you can tell if it is producing the right music and you will be able to learn easily.
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